
Showing posts from March, 2021

what is catalogue printing?

A catalog or booklet is a folded piece with one or more sheets that consist of four pages or panels each. The catalog or booklet pages are arranged or imposed for press by the printer so that when the pages are trimmed and folded, the pages land in the correct reading order.  

what is a brochure printing

 Brochures are often printed using a four-color process on a thick, glossy paper to give an impression of quality Compared with a flyer, a brochure usually uses higher-quality paper, more color, and is folded.

what is a catalogue printing?

By definition, a catalog or booklet is a folded piece with one or more sheets that consist of four pages or panels each. ... The catalog or booklet pages are arranged or imposed for press by the printer so that when the pages are trimmed and folded, the pages land in the correct reading order. #PrintingPress, #CatalogPrinting #StickerPrinting, #BrochurePrinting, #PamphletPrinting, #BookletPrinting, #PrintingServices, #PrintingpressRohini click here